Wednesday, June 10, 2009

malaysia food

Malaysia is an exciting place when it comes of food. There are many varieties of food because of many ethnic groups among the Malaysia population. The major races are the Malay, Chinese, and Indian each with their own unique speacial food.
Malay food is known to be spicy with a lot of herbs and spices fresh coconut milk is often added to the disches. Rice is the main diet in any malay meal such as Nasi lemak, Nasi kerabu, Nasi dagang and even fried rice.
Chinese food uses very little spices. The food is either boiled in pots as in rice porridge and soups stir-fried in works as in mixed vegetable and fried kuetiau. other popular chinese dishes are chicken rice and other.
Indian food has it own unique hot and spicy taste. A lot of spices, yogurt and ghee are used in indian cooking, Indian dishes include nasi beriani, breads such as capati, naan and paratha. they are normarlly served with dish. Indian meals are often served on banana leaves. In Malaysia we can find all these food in most food courts and hawker centres..